Monday 20 October 2014

#337 Beatsteaks - Everything Went Black

Early morning today, when I was on my way to school, I stopped with couple of other people at the traffic lights. Next to me stood a man with a bunch of letters in his hand. He held them so, that I was able to read the addressee on the envelope. There stood: Sony Music Entertainment. At the moment, when I had a little "Oh, cool!" thought in my mind, the traffic lights turned green and we were allowed to cross the street. The man was faster than me and got some steps ahead, so I could read a logo on the back of his sweater: Beatsteaks. "Gentleman of the year," I thought.
Since I've shared that song here already, welcome "Everything went black" this time. :)

Beatsteaks - Everything Went Black
Album: Beatsteaks (2014)

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